Software Projects

I have developed software solutions for large financial institutions, digital service providers, industrial enterprises and government agencies as well as medium-sized businesses. For all projects listed below I was either the principal developer, team lead or member of the core team. Click on the icons to visit the corresponding customer or project website.

IMP Solutions, Halifax, Canada

FMAS FMAS: The Fleet Management and Analytics System (FMAS) by IMP Solutions is the integrated software suite supporting the maintenance of all Canadian Search and Rescue helicopters.
As an FMAS development team member I extend and enhance the software based on client needs and technical requirements.

Java 8, JPA/Hibernate, Hibernate Search / Lucene, GWT/GXT, Guice, MariaDB, Swing, Tomcat, Eclipse, Intellij, DBeaver, Atlassian Tools (Confluence, JIRA, Bamboo, Fisheye), Ansible, Subversion, Maven, Nexus, Sonar, Cygwin, Linux shell

CGI, Halifax, Canada

CGI Capital Markets: CGI delivers software development and consulting services to a large international client in the capital markets and investment banking sector.
As a senior software engineer I worked on advanced Java features of complex systems and provided technical guidance to our developer teams in business domains like Clearing, Risk Management and Fixed Income.

Java 1.6 + 1.7, Concurrency, Clustering, JPA/Hibernate, Spring, Oracle Coherence, Tibco RV, JGroups, JUnit, Mockito, Intellij IDEA, Atlassian Tools (Confluence, JIRA, Crucible, Fisheye), Subversion, Maven, Jenkins, Nexus, TOAD, Oracle, Sybase, Linux shell

CGI Oil & Gas AMS: CGI provides application maintenance, support and enhancements to a major Canadian oil & gas company for hundreds of corporate applications.
As a senior software engineer I was responsible for the technical quality and efficiency of our service delivery for Java applications, mostly web apps in a Tomcat environment, working with a team of 5 - 10 Java Developers.

Java 1.6, Tomcat 6, IntelliJ IDEA 10.5, Struts / JSP, GWT, JQuery, Spring, Hibernate, Ant, Atlassian Tools (Confluence, JIRA, Bamboo), JRuby on Rails, TOAD, Oracle, CVS, Linux shell

CGI Wealth Core Platform: This solution for the financial sector was one of the biggest software development projects at CGI.
I served as the lead developer of the UI layer, designed a custom framework using Spring Web Flow / JSF and coordinated a team of up to 10 developers across four CGI locations.

Java 1.6, Spring Web Flow, JSF 1.2 / Facelets, Tomcat 6, Spring Framework, JAXB / JAX-WS, JUnit, Eclipse, Maven, Hudson/Jenkins, SVN

Canada Post BDT 2.0 is the Java based upgraded version of the Canada Post Electronic Shipping Tools (EST). It helps users prepare the paperwork and labels for business mailings and shipments as well as the automation of the shipping process.
I was the lead developer on the team that built the rendering and print engine of the application.

Java 1.5, Spring, XML/XSL, XSL-FO, Apache FOP, TestNG, PdfBox, Weblogic, IntelliJ IDEA, Maven, SVN

SupportSoft, Halifax, Canada

Avolin SupportSoft ServiceGateway is an enterprise solution for remote configuration and management of home networks. Using the DSL forum standard TR-069, it is used by DSPs throughout the world.
I was a Java software engineer on the team that developed ServiceGateway 4.0.

J2EE, Weblogic, JBoss, EJB, JMS, Web Services (XFire), EhCache, Oracle 10g, Perforce, Adobe Flex

iKu Systemhaus, Germany

I was a core developer of all the systems listed below, involved in design, coding, testing and meetings with customers:

SPONTS SPONTS was the flagship product of IKU Systems. As an SMTP, POP3 and IMAP proxy it provides spam and virus protection, online backup, email monitoring and other mailserver security features. It is highly configurable and used by major clients in Germany.

Java, SMTP/S, POP3/S, IMAP/S, Apache Tomcat, Hibernate, Apache Derby, I18n, Embedded Linux

BNetzA LI Inspektor was developed at iKu Systemhaus AG for the German Federal Network Agency who makes sure that any Lawful Interception (LI) software adheres strictly to the legal specifications. The LI Inspektor application simulates all email procedures necessary to test LI systems for compliance. The tests are managed and evaluated through a concise web interface.

Java, JSF/MyFaces, Hibernate, JavaMail, Apache FTP, POP3/S, IMAP/S, SMTP/S

ATIS Bodward: iKu Systemhaus AG developed the Bodward Monitoring Store for ATIS Systems - a German specialist for Lawful Interception solutions. Bodward is a server that collects LI reports and provides a Java RMI API to access the accumulated LI data within the Klarios product suite.

Java, Apache FTP API, Java RMI, TCP networking, Hibernate, Apache Derby, dom4j XML framework

DH Dillinger Hütte GTS is one of the biggest European steel manufacturers with an annual output of about 2 million tons. The heavy plate production in their rolling mill uses precise monitoring and control systems, some of which were created by iKu Systemhaus with me as one of the main developers:

emVisu: A client/server solution to collect and visualize measured temperatures of heavy plates on the rolling mill.

Java, Swing, Custom Swing Widgets / LayoutManager, RMI, JMS, JDBC, MySQL

AutoCool: A distributed system for the creation and management of steel plate cooling plans including visualization and process control.

Java, Swing, Input Validation Framework, DAO Pattern, JDBC, MySQL

HSA Control: A GUI application for steering and operation control of a branding machine that signs steel plates.

Java, Swing, JMS, RMI, Java Net API, Custom Datagram Protocol, C struct parsing

PD Plakatdrucker: Print product specialist provides online print services. I developed the first version of their Webshop including rule-based product compilation, price and delivery calculation, customer management, PDF/JPG upload and messaging.

Java, Apache Tomcat, JSP Custom Tags, CSS, Apache FileUpload, JavaMail, JDBC, MySQL

N-TEC IceWorld: Storage Solution provider N-TEC ships their popular IceBox RAID system with the IceGuard / IceWorld monitoring and configuration software. The system includes an on-board server component with embedded webserver and RMI interface as well as a Swing client.

Java, Tomcat, JSP Custom Tags, CSS, RXTX/Comm, RMI, Java Swing, Swing DnD, SysTray4J

OOo CashTrend: A planning and reporting software for Cashtrend Financial Consulting that provides a GUI for entry of customer data, plan calculation and automated generation of financial documents through OpenOffice.

Java, Swing, OpenOffice Java API, JDBC, MySQL

Inform InForm: A client/server expert system that generates meal plans (complete with recipes and shopping list) based on personal constitution and fitness goals. It is easily customizable, e.g. for public use in gyms.

Java Swing, EJB, MySQL, JavaHelp Framework, latex2html, pdfLatex

Other projects, Germany

I worked on the following projects while I was a University student, some full-time for a few months during the summer, some part-time during the academic year, or even as a volunteer and project facilitator on my own time:

uni-sb MdBib: During my time at the university I initiated a project to improve the service of the Library of Maths Didactics. The development of an Online Public Access Catalogue was part of the effort.

Java, Apache Tomcat, Apache Jserv, Java Servlets, MySQL

bund-sb EcoGuide: As an environmental activist I launched and implemented an "Eco Shopping Guide" for the German City of Saarbrücken. It was supported by Friends of the Earth Germany (BUND) and officially declared part of the local Agenda 21 of Saarbrücken municipality.

Apache httpd, XHTML, CSS, OpenOffice, Project Management

KfW Infrastruktur: KfW Bankengruppe is the German government-owned development bank. Their mainframe based IT systems were migrated to a client/server infrastructure in the 1990s. I worked as a software developer for the IT department that implemented those structural changes.

OOD/OOP, Gupta/Centura, Win32 API, C++, IBM RS/6000, IBM IMS, Oracle DB