Current and Past Positions

logo IMP Solutions, Halifax, Nova Scotia
2015-now Senior Software Developer - Develop and maintain a comprehensive Fleet Management System for a large Canadian client in the Aerospace domain.
logo CGI, Halifax, Nova Scotia
2008-2015 Senior Consultant, Software Engineer - Guiding teams in design, implementation and unit testing of Enterprise Java systems, Java / JEE consulting.
logo SupportSoft, Halifax, Nova Scotia
2007-2008 Software Engineer - Design, implementation and testing of large J2EE project, Focus areas: JMS, Object Caching, WS security, Date/Time handling, DAOs, Log4J, JUnit.
logo iKu Systemhaus AG, Saarbrücken
Software Developer - Development of Swing and Web applications with JSP/JSF, client/server systems using JMS, RMI, TCP and UDP via Java, mail server components using internet protocols (SMTP, POP3, IMAP, etc.)
logo University of the Saarland, Maths Teaching Library
1999-2001 System Developer and Admin - Development of a library catalog using MySQL and Java servlets with Apache/jserv, administration of Debian GNU/Linux server and catalog search stations
logo i2c Systems, Bad Homburg
2000 Consultant - Requirement Specification and architecture / design for multiple language support (MLS) in J2EE applications
logo DFKI Saarbrücken, Language Technology Lab
1995-1996 Research Assistant - Tool development for human name extraction, website automation with Perl and database backend
logo KfW Bankengruppe, Frankfurt/Main
Software Developer - Object-oriented component development with Gupta/Centura and Oracle DB, Automated reporting of code repository metadata using C++
logo Desktop Display Ltd., Brighton, UK
1995 Web Development - Exploratory web application project using Turbo Pascal via Common Gateway Interface on the NCSA webserver